explore community partner stories

Community partners are a major part of the learning support structure. Explore stories in this collection to learn how community partners have shifted old models and found new ways to help students, staff and families during the pandemic.

Sarah Baucom

“CLT Proud”

Jessica Pierson

“Active in Disaster”

Jazzmin Rivers

“Rolling with the Punches”

Nicole Tepper, M.C. Belk Pilon & Gene Matthews

“Connect for Tech Begins”

Patricia Geary

“Shutting Down is Not an Option”

Alison Houser

“The Silver Lining”

Maria Diaz

“Sheer Strength in Persisting”

Sil Ganzó


Angela Davis

“Mighty McPIE”

Malacy Williams and Heather Herring

“A Culture of Care”

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