Nothing Really Happened
"I got tested for COVID twice, ended up in the hospital once, had four painful attempts at getting my blood drawn go wrong so that they left bruises on both of my arms before finally one worked, and learned never to search symptoms on Google, especially in the midst of a pandemic."
I’ve learned that I need to work on time management and that I get distracted WAY too easily. It’s a bit concerning how easily I can get distracted. I really need to work on that…
...What interesting things happened over the pandemic? Nothing much, really. I almost got hacked at one point. I accidentally set off our security system. I learned not to eat expired Chipotle. I can quote the entire Wild Kratts theme song and possibly some of its episodes because of my younger brother’s obsession with it. I got tested for COVID twice, ended up in the hospital once, had four painful attempts at getting my blood drawn go wrong so that they left bruises on both of my arms before finally one worked, and learned never to search up symptoms on Google, especially in the midst of a pandemic. I almost [unintentionally] stole a book. I cleaned out my closet (no other explanation needed there). I got a new bookshelf and reorganized my room into an office-like environment that is actually habitable. I’ve broken my limit of how many books one can check out at a library by using three different library accounts (my dad’s, my sister’s school account, and my school account). I’ve learned about many online things I previously did not know about beforehand, including how you can tell if you’re on mute on Zoom (I learned that the hard way). My little brother lost three teeth due to soccer injuries. I learned that I have no future career in soccer, fishing, nor gymnastics (don’t ask about any of those three). I think there may be more…nah, nothing really happened over the pandemic.
Nothing really happened at all.
- Rachel