Randi McCurry


Scared, Confused, Hopeful

"We have learned that we are adaptable and capable and strong, but there is a breaking point and it’s ok to ask for help and to take a break when needed."



Beverly Woods Elementary

Beverly Woods Elementary


We were scared, confused, hopeful.  Two full-time working parents navigating virtual learning, extreme stress, and the emotional ups and downs of the children and family. We have learned that we are adaptable and capable and strong, but there is a breaking point and it’s ok to ask for help and to take a break when needed.

Young children are not meant to be isolated and taught on devices. They need live human interaction to learn and grow.

We are grateful for teachers and staff at our school, and how hard they are working. We value the in-person time with them, and we wish that CMS would have made different decisions throughout this pandemic, and currently, to put children first and to lead in a more proactive and effective manner

- Randi McCurry


explore parent & family stories

Johnny McCoy

“Doing the Best I Can”

Glen Stephens

“We Found Our Voice”

Randi McCurry

“Scared, Confused, Hopeful”

Kadeidre Wilson

“Not a Part-Time Teacher”

Honey Batra Kumar

“Stronger & More Resilient”

Crystal Robinson

“I Am Not Smarter Than A Fifth Grader”

Lindsay Martell and Eric Casella

“Treasured Memories”

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